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limits you

"If you always put limits on yourself and what you can do, physical or anything, you might as well be dead. It will spread into your work, your morality, your entire being. There are no limits, only plateaux. But you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. "- Bruce Lee

Monday, May 23, 2011

i'm all of what u have just mentioned (todays not my day)

yea, like no kidding.... i have changed in a bad way, more negative, cry a lot, act stupid, careless....
my mothers like your so stupid and unconsidered, yea okay like if i did'n no that.... and then she says i am careless and selfish, yes that too i may be selfish but not as much as the ppl i'm around with. and yes i was careless the day i was born.

yes just when i use to think that dreaming about things that might not happen is stupid, i am wrong, i have found out the more you dream about it and hope for it, it will sure come to you... keep on dreaming little girl.

keep it up and stay happy

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alvin and the chipmonkes

i have sung a song posted on yahoo in a chipmonkes voices(alvin and the chipmonkes in chinese) plese watch and rate

whats most important in your life?

your mic

your mic

your creation

creation is not just thing you made, it's also every step you make and how you look. creation means diffrent the more diffrent you are the more you are yourself.