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limits you

"If you always put limits on yourself and what you can do, physical or anything, you might as well be dead. It will spread into your work, your morality, your entire being. There are no limits, only plateaux. But you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. "- Bruce Lee

Friday, January 29, 2010

lazer teg

43 ppl in one lazer teg game it was soo fun

Saturday, January 2, 2010

books on the book shelf

what does the bible really teach:
The book is really good and benifitcal for every one in any age it helps answer questions like:why do we suffer? how can i cope with lif's anxieties? how can we make are family life happier? what happens to us when we die? will we ever see the daed loved ones again? how can we be sure that god will fulfill his promis for the futre? if you would like to have this book plese put your conntact # or if you don't whant to then read it on

young people ask:
it's another great book for young people also parents. this book really seems to understand your problems as a youth and will help you solve them in the best ways. it give good advice on topices like: life changes, friendship issues ,school and your peers, money matters, your parents your fellings, recreation, opposite sex. all these topice are in diffrent chapters each topics have more then one chapter so it can tell you more then one thing. if you would like to read this book plese vist

destroy all cars:

this is a funny book wich talkes about a boy that hate cars, american consumers and his dad. this boy writes alot of essay in english and his teacher and every one eles thinks he writes good including me but he only really gets an C OR B. suddenly this boy comes to his school and eats from students trays, the food they are going to throw out, later the boy goes to the offices a few times once his parents came too but there parents think their is nothing wrong with that, so he goes on doing the food thing. its way better to read it then me telling you caues i cant cover every thing but ya.


of so it was fruit cake hate it all that cream yuke

Friday, January 1, 2010


who likes to watch tv if you do then i can add a tv on my blog so you can watch do not ask me what channels their are i just no their is about 100

2010!!! what ever

today is the first day of 2010 nothing much just a new year. Any new hopes and wishes-no i never think of these things there never going to happen- lamo

but at my houese i have a party on that day and i know the food is going to be great.


for dessert we have some kind of cake plese not fruit cake hate it creme burlee and banana creap

don't no how to spell that

alvin and the chipmonkes

i have sung a song posted on yahoo in a chipmonkes voices(alvin and the chipmonkes in chinese) plese watch and rate

whats most important in your life?

your mic

your mic

your creation

creation is not just thing you made, it's also every step you make and how you look. creation means diffrent the more diffrent you are the more you are yourself.