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limits you

"If you always put limits on yourself and what you can do, physical or anything, you might as well be dead. It will spread into your work, your morality, your entire being. There are no limits, only plateaux. But you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. "- Bruce Lee

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

let it go

i let it go... i failed in math class, but that does not bring me down, i'll just have to try harder and bump my mark up... hope i don't have to go to summer school to retake the course... so hard. ppl have to learn to let things out and don't keep it to themselves ... talk to someone it would help a lot, this would make you feel happier, and i am one of the ppl that listen to other ppls stories and why they feel so sad, i offer help to others to comfort them, i don't want dis-pare in ppl, i might have a sad and depressing life but others should not be going through these things. so if any one that feels sad and wants someone to care for them or listen to them, feel free to write a comment on my blog... which would be no one cause no one reads my blog.. lol and i would give a reply

Monday, November 1, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

i'll back away so u can live better

that title was from a Korean song title it's so touching and sweet... who would really do that... my friend wont, he's holding on to this girl that he would never make out with... sigh, when will he learn, pain is going to get to him at the end. everyone see's love differently, but he just keeps on making bad choices, he thinks she's right for him but the truth is their different, she does not accept him, but as a friend shes fine, this is what happens most of the time when it's love at first sight... so that's why in my opinion i don't trust in that, i think nothing will last long that way but thats what happens all the time T___T. back to me, it's life and death, i ca't afford to lose even 1% in math, my mid term is worth 15% and it's this monday... ahhhhh!!! help, pray to god i wont fail it. see the teachers not try-n to kill me they want to kill me, their jabbing homework into my chest. all i can do right now is listen to music to get out stress and pray. i hope i don't look 2 years older then i should lol...this might not be the best blog but, at leas i can let out my stress and pain.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ALL MOST suicidal

today i feel like i want to share my feelings out. i feel so useless and helpless and this can be the reason why i like to help ppl, even if i can't help myself i can help ppl, which is a good thing.all my friend around me don't know one secret about me and i hide it away... they might wonder why i'm sooo stupid but that's just me.. they go on say'n how their not smart when they get A's in all subjects...which makes me feel so bad, i just want to cry out but i promised not to shed a tear in front of ppl.. i guess i don't have a choice but to make the most embarrassing decision just to save myself. i act like my life is nothing but truly it's not as good as they think, i pretend to be happy energetic, helpful, caring... but when they are out of sight it's dark, tough, sad.. it's all most suicidal. so you can't blame the j-pop and j-rock, to write emo and negative sad songs, they've been through a lot of pain and that shifts there thinking... sigh

Friday, August 27, 2010

dateing feelings

yep another post for the day... i all ways wounder how it feels to be in a date with someone, would it be an exiting feeling, a i can't wait to See him or her feeling, like every one says... or could it be i don't know what state i am feeling... i don't know why i wounder this but it's just got me thinking, and yes if you are reading this, which i bet no one is, i never liked any one before... i am not sure if i want to have this feeling, it can be awkward, to have a bf at my age or really like someone. I've all ways told my self that i would never Merrie and i mean it, i like having the feeling of being alone and having freedom, do whatever i want whenever i want, some people might think it's not right to feel this way, that in life you got to Merrie and have kids to be called the perfect life, but not me. That's why i can't wait to be out of school.

oh and if any one is reading my blog plese comment or at least show a sign that someone is on my blog... thank u

vacation crazy

this summer as some of u know i went to Toronto... this time was way better then last time, maybe because my grandma didn't come and their was no oldies around. it wasn't just vacation crazy it was shopping crazy... almost shopped every day and i did find new clothing and shoes, I'm not the shopping kinda person but i liked it.

I went go karting, eating until i get sick, went to a car drive in zoo to feed the animals, went to one of the most wonderful resorts, Tremblant... many more stuff that i can't name... if you would like to see what i talked about you can check my face book pics on the album vacation crazy and some of the vid's.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

why too cool

so it was a funny day, first i met two french boys... they were funny and nice, they talked to me and stuff i didn't really know them but yeah it was cool to meet them... after i had a blast go karting, my first and it was wicked, I'm actually better then i think i was. Toronto is a blast better then the last time i went...

i will,soon upload pics on my blog and face book so you could check out the cool places....

Friday, August 6, 2010

toronto day i don't no

ok so i am so bored right now I'M really bored, not sure of what to do... my mom is nagg-n me all the way just cause my cousin is here, and she wants me to be wrong and she's right on everything... sad. but the scary and kinda surprising part of my life right now is finding a secret, i know my cousin had something hiding behind us, so one day i secretly checked in his phone, which i know is bad to do but i Had to know... i am a nosey girl and that's what's bad about me knowing too much.. well what ever but then what i Saw i can't believe what he had in his phone it was disgusting a disgrace, can't believe him, when i was about to close his phone the door started to open and i quickly put away the phone and it was my cousin so i tried to hide it away from him but it did not woke, few minutes later he caught the phone and realized that someone touched it, he suspected it was me but did not say... sigh what can i do, i can't tell anyone yet not in till that day comes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

surprize letter: memory in my soul

your appearance has made me so sad, all this time it seemed all happy to see u back but... things have changed and it's not how it was, things have changed between us, it's so far away but u have never change how u feel about them or me. the first thing u think of when u saw me back was really upsetting, I u can't see me as this, but everyone else is like a princes to u... I don't know what I did, but their is no way it would be like back then... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you wont know it was you...

Friday, July 9, 2010

tone of fun

hey it's been long since i made a post. where i live in downtown their was a lot of stuff going on, jazz band concerts, they were sooo good, magic shows, and street art work, they were so beautiful, and most of all free hugs. those guys were so cool, i waved at them. it was a fun day. check out some of the pics from that day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

sad sad sad

where i live nothing is going right. only at my school 21 teachers got cut off or u could say fired. i mean the government doesn't have to cut off that many teachers and the bad news is the good teachers have to leave and leaving us with all the crappy teachers.. reason for this, who would even want crappy teachers like come on...

art is a big part of are life, we are also a forum of art are self, but then the gov cut off 8% more of the money.. like omg the arts industry all ready has like nothing and u have to even cut off more from that, totally not reasonable... now most dancer or other ppl that live on art is moving to other places like Germany to find a living and find a place where art has a place and respect. but please don't stop on your passion for the arts, life would be meaningless with out it and life would just be a piece of white paper with nothing on it.

these are qoutes that i like the best, the first one is by me. "you can start a new day everyday with music." and this last one is very important to me i remeber this as a guide to my life. "life isn't about finding yourself life is about creating yourself."

Friday, March 26, 2010

life isn't about finding yourself life is about creating yourself.

i will start a minie book on my blog based on the qoute wich is the titel.

chapter1 who i am?
It's really common for teens now a days to ask themself, who they are and where do i belong? But thats really not a great way to start, aren't you already yourself...end of chapter1

forthe previews of the other chapters these are the titels:among the crowds. I thought it will worke out fine... "life isn't about finding yourself..." How do i be myself? And life isn't about finding yourself life is about creating yourself.

Friday, March 12, 2010


sorry for not posting anything yet.
here are some pohto's of me in the oylimpics men's hockey games

Friday, January 29, 2010

lazer teg

43 ppl in one lazer teg game it was soo fun

Saturday, January 2, 2010

books on the book shelf

what does the bible really teach:
The book is really good and benifitcal for every one in any age it helps answer questions like:why do we suffer? how can i cope with lif's anxieties? how can we make are family life happier? what happens to us when we die? will we ever see the daed loved ones again? how can we be sure that god will fulfill his promis for the futre? if you would like to have this book plese put your conntact # or if you don't whant to then read it on

young people ask:
it's another great book for young people also parents. this book really seems to understand your problems as a youth and will help you solve them in the best ways. it give good advice on topices like: life changes, friendship issues ,school and your peers, money matters, your parents your fellings, recreation, opposite sex. all these topice are in diffrent chapters each topics have more then one chapter so it can tell you more then one thing. if you would like to read this book plese vist

destroy all cars:

this is a funny book wich talkes about a boy that hate cars, american consumers and his dad. this boy writes alot of essay in english and his teacher and every one eles thinks he writes good including me but he only really gets an C OR B. suddenly this boy comes to his school and eats from students trays, the food they are going to throw out, later the boy goes to the offices a few times once his parents came too but there parents think their is nothing wrong with that, so he goes on doing the food thing. its way better to read it then me telling you caues i cant cover every thing but ya.


of so it was fruit cake hate it all that cream yuke

Friday, January 1, 2010


who likes to watch tv if you do then i can add a tv on my blog so you can watch do not ask me what channels their are i just no their is about 100

2010!!! what ever

today is the first day of 2010 nothing much just a new year. Any new hopes and wishes-no i never think of these things there never going to happen- lamo

but at my houese i have a party on that day and i know the food is going to be great.


for dessert we have some kind of cake plese not fruit cake hate it creme burlee and banana creap

don't no how to spell that

alvin and the chipmonkes

i have sung a song posted on yahoo in a chipmonkes voices(alvin and the chipmonkes in chinese) plese watch and rate

whats most important in your life?

your mic

your mic

your creation

creation is not just thing you made, it's also every step you make and how you look. creation means diffrent the more diffrent you are the more you are yourself.