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limits you

"If you always put limits on yourself and what you can do, physical or anything, you might as well be dead. It will spread into your work, your morality, your entire being. There are no limits, only plateaux. But you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. "- Bruce Lee

Friday, August 6, 2010

toronto day i don't no

ok so i am so bored right now I'M really bored, not sure of what to do... my mom is nagg-n me all the way just cause my cousin is here, and she wants me to be wrong and she's right on everything... sad. but the scary and kinda surprising part of my life right now is finding a secret, i know my cousin had something hiding behind us, so one day i secretly checked in his phone, which i know is bad to do but i Had to know... i am a nosey girl and that's what's bad about me knowing too much.. well what ever but then what i Saw i can't believe what he had in his phone it was disgusting a disgrace, can't believe him, when i was about to close his phone the door started to open and i quickly put away the phone and it was my cousin so i tried to hide it away from him but it did not woke, few minutes later he caught the phone and realized that someone touched it, he suspected it was me but did not say... sigh what can i do, i can't tell anyone yet not in till that day comes.

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alvin and the chipmonkes

i have sung a song posted on yahoo in a chipmonkes voices(alvin and the chipmonkes in chinese) plese watch and rate

whats most important in your life?

your mic

your mic

your creation

creation is not just thing you made, it's also every step you make and how you look. creation means diffrent the more diffrent you are the more you are yourself.