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limits you

"If you always put limits on yourself and what you can do, physical or anything, you might as well be dead. It will spread into your work, your morality, your entire being. There are no limits, only plateaux. But you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. "- Bruce Lee

Friday, May 13, 2011

2 stories, 2 sides to it (insulant )

i herd 2 stories this week almost about the same things, they have different sides to it. they were both about insulant....
 one i herd today was a guy that had diabetes(i think) and he will have to inject insulant as medication. i felt bad knowing that he can't eat as normal as the rest of us and that he would have bruises from having 8 injections a day ): well he had a positive view to this, he said that " i ate healthy foods like whole grain breads, and also it made the ppl around him being aware of what they eat too" that was good for me to learn from him...

the second one is my friends cute little baby "Spencer(guinea pig)"  he has a common disease that most guinea pigs will get, a lack of vitemine "C" which was almost impossible, and it had to do the same thing too take medication and coast $500 for every thing. well as i saw it take it's med, i felt bad for the little guy, it shook it's head around not wanting to take it...... after that we gave him sweet orange and he was eating really really fast nibbling on it, and when my friend pulled it away from him, he still garbed on to the orange not wanting to let go.(hope it get well soon) now all i think that effects him to be like that is the area he is in, the whole family is just in a bad situation right now and having one family member begging to emotional to things can be big effect. today once again i saw her cry, i felt so sad for her, but good for her still being able to deal with all the problems she is facing.

this week I've been so happy, i was trying to think different, now even though i'm not aloud to listen to superchicks any more, i was still able to go through with no problem, now all i have to do is keep this up. one song says "happiness is free if u want it to be" and all i have to do is think right, not just try to be positive but have everything go well..... AND BEING HAPPY makes my life so joyful and everything i do i had a bit more energy, even though i half fainted today :P

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alvin and the chipmonkes

i have sung a song posted on yahoo in a chipmonkes voices(alvin and the chipmonkes in chinese) plese watch and rate

whats most important in your life?

your mic

your mic

your creation

creation is not just thing you made, it's also every step you make and how you look. creation means diffrent the more diffrent you are the more you are yourself.